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  • Yes, i understand, you need to get the values of those fields, not just clone the fields.
    May be you could export to php, take the old group with that repeater you cloned. Then include that code in your functions.php but make sure to change field/group keys, must be unique.
    On the code you will see a “location” key, you must change that to the new location, let´s say, on some page, or all pages, or a post, you know, where the field group should be placed.
    Then using similar functions you already have to build that table from the repeater fields, take the values and use as “defaults” for every field on the repeater you need to.
    Once you create a page where this new group is placed, it will get the values from the old repeater as default ones, when saved they will be saved as post meta on database.

    Now? 🙂

    Sounds good?