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  • Hi, I have try to update

    Start from

    WP 3.82
    ACF 4.3.4
    ACF Flexible Content Field 1.1.1
    ACF Repeater Field 1.1.1

    Step by step
    Installated ACF PRO 5.5.9
    Activate ACF PRO, update DB, deactivate old version of ACF and plugin

    My repeater field are empty, no more fields inside
    From wordpress backend if I try to open a User or a post that use repeaters fields, I see a blank white page.

    Thank you
    below the json of the field with empty subfield group after update

                    "key": "field_53981efd14507",
                    "label": "indirizzi spedizione",
                    "name": "indirizzi_spedizione",
                    "type": "repeater",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "required": 0,
                    "conditional_logic": 0,
                    "wrapper": {
                        "width": "",
                        "class": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "row_min": "",
                    "row_limit": "",
                    "layout": "row",
                    "button_label": "Add Row",
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 0,
                    "collapsed": "",
                    "sub_fields": []