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  • The problem that I’m trying to point out is that you are using the same value in 2 different ways.

    This assumes that the value returned is an id

    $rows = get_field('gallery' ); // get all the rows
    $first_row = $rows[0]; // get the first row
    $first_row_image = $first_row['gallery_photo' ]; // get the sub field value
    // Note
    // $first_row_image = 123 (image ID)
    $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $first_row_image, 'full' );

    and this assumes that the value returned is a url

    <?php if( have_rows('gallery') ): ?>
    <?php while ( have_rows('gallery') ) : the_row(); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_sub_field('gallery_photo'); ?>"><img src="<?php 
            the_sub_field('gallery_photo'); ?>" alt="" /></a>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    when the same value should be returned in both places. If the second one is right then you should not need to get the image, but I could be wrong. What is this actually returning

    $rows = get_field('gallery' ); // get all the rows
    $first_row = $rows[0]; // get the first row
    $first_row_image = $first_row['gallery_photo' ]; // get the sub field value
    // add this to find out
    echo '$first_row_image = ',$first_row_image;