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  • Thanks for that Script!
    It works great, but I have problems with saving the dragged layouts.
    All layouts, which were dragged to the other fields, are lost after saving the post.
    Have/had somebody the same issue?

    I changed the JS to this for just dragging the layouts between the reusable fields:

    connectWith: [
        '[data-layout="1_col"] .values',
        '[data-layout="2_col"] .values'

    I created a field group for all my modules. This field is reused in the columns as an flexible content field:

    - flexible content for modules (using this fieldgroup for reusable field group)
      - text
      - image
      - ...

    in the main groups:

    - flexible content (1 col)
      - col: reusable field group (flexible content)
    - flexible content (2 cols)
      - first col: reusable field group (flexible content)
      - second col: reusable field group (flexible content)