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  • EDIT: It didn’t, see later post

    Thanks so much!

    It worked out if the box. The complete code is below (nothing new, just combined for easy copy&paste). This greatly enhances the use of ACF:

    Add to functions.php:

    // Handle Dragging Between Columns
    function my_acf_input_admin_footer() {
            <script type="text/javascript">
            (function($) {
                $( ".values" ).sortable({
                  connectWith: ".values"
            function GetSubstringIndex(str, substring, n) {
                var times = 0, index = null;
                while (times < n && index !== -1) {
                    index = str.indexOf(substring, index+1);
                return index;
            acf.add_action('sortstop', function ($el) {
                if ($($el).parent('[data-name="elements"] > .acf-input > .acf-flexible-content > .values').length) {
                    var column_num = $($el).closest('[data-layout="column"]').attr('data-id');
                        var field_name = $(this).attr('name');   
                        var index_location = field_name.indexOf(']')+2;
                        var new_name = field_name.substr(0, index_location) + column_num + field_name.substr(index_location+1)
                        $(this).attr('name', new_name);
                    $($el).closest('[data-name="elements"]').find('.acf-input > .acf-flexible-content > .values > .layout').each(function(index){
                            var field_name = $(this).attr('name');   
                            var index_location = GetSubstringIndex(field_name,']', 3)+2;
                            var new_name = field_name.substr(0, index_location) + index + field_name.substr(index_location+1);
                            $(this).attr('name', new_name);
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'my_acf_input_admin_footer');