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Sometimes I find things interesting and believe it or not, this type of coding is what I do to relax. I’ve done this in OOP because it’s the way I think.
I’m not sure if there are any errors, I have not tested this. It’s not meant to be exact but it’s easier to give a code example than to explain all the details.
store updated values for a repeater
so they can easily be used elsewhere
This specific class will save new values
for new images added to a repeater
there should only be 1 image field in the repeater
new for_kkranzo_store_recent();
class for_kkranzo_store_recent {
// this will store any updates that are made
private $new_content = array();
// a WP option name value were you can store updated content
private $option_name = 'for_kkranzo_store_recent';
// this will hold images that were added in the past
private $old_images = array();
// set the maximum number of entries to save in recently added
private $max = 10;
// name and key of the repeater field
private $repeater = array(
'name' => 'my_repeater_field',
'key' => 'field_XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
// name and key of the image sub field
private $image_field = array(
'name' => 'my_image_field',
'key' => 'field_XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
// sub field key => name pairs
// don't include the image field
private $sub_fields = array(
'field_XXXXXXXXXXXXX' => 'my_field_1',
'field_XXXXXXXXXXXXX' => 'my_field_2'
// etc...
// array of all of the sub fields you want to store
public function __construct() {
// add a filter that runs before ACF saves values
add_filter('acf/save_post', array($this, 'before_acf'), 1);
} // end public function __construct
public function before_acf($post_id) {
// this filter will be called before ACF saves new values
// first make sure the repeater is set in $_POST
// if not the we don't need to do anything
if (empty($_POST['acf'][$this->repeater['key']])) {
// get all the existing images for this post
// and store them to compare against
$rows = get_field($this->repeater['name'], $post_id, false); // no formatting
foreach ($values as $row) {
$this->old_images[] = $row[$this->image_field['name']];
} // end foreach rows
// now loop trough the submitted values to see if there are new ones
foreach ($_POST['acf'][$this->repeater['key']] as $row) {
// see if this image is old
// if it is then continue to the next one
$image = intval($row[$this->image_field['key']]);
if (in_array($image, $this->old_images)) {
// new image - save it
$new = array(
'post_id' => $post_id,
'attachment_id' => $image
foreach ($this->sub_fields as $key => $name) {
$new[$name] = $row[$key];
} // end foreach sub field
// add the new content to the list
$this->new_content[] = $new;
} // end foreach row
// if there was nothing new then bail
if (empty($this->new_content)) {
// get the old option, if anything
$option = get_options($this->option_name, array());
// merge the old array onto the new array
$option = array_merge($this->new_content, $option);
// strip it down to the max number to save
$option = array_slice($option, 0, $this->max);
// save the new option
update_option($option, $value);
// now wherever you want to show the new values
// you can get this option and you have a reference to
// the post id, the attachment id and any of the other
// field values you want to display
} // end public function before_acf
} // end class for_kkranzo_store_recent
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