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  • Hi again,

    Just to make things clearer for my brain ^^
    We started the topic talking about two differents datas: the gallery one, and the per attachment ones (when I loop through each image of the gallery)

    This is my original code (before speed considerations):

    $portfolioItems		= get_field('gallery'); // Getting the gallery field
    $hiddenMetadata		= get_field('metadata_to_hide');
    $imagesPerPage		= get_field('images_per_page');
    $hiddenCategories	= get_field('categories_to_hide');
    foreach ($portfolioItems as $item) {
    	// Getting current image informations
    	$id					= $item['ID'];
    	$filename			= $item['filename'];
    	$width				= $item['width'];
    	$height				= $item['height'];
    	$url				= $item['url'];
    	$alt				= htmlentities(urldecode($item['alt']), ENT_QUOTES);
    	// Getting current image custom attachement fields
    	$itemCustomFields	= get_post_meta($id);
    	$description		= $itemCustomFields['portfolio_description'][0];
    	$versionName		= $itemCustomFields['version_name'][0];
    	$reference			= $itemCustomFields['reference'][0];
    	$maxWidth			= (int)$itemCustomFields['max_available_width'][0];
    	$maxHeight			= (int)$itemCustomFields['max_available_height'][0];
    	$copyright			= $itemCustomFields['copyright'][0];
    	$rating				= $itemCustomFields['rating'][0];
    	// […]
    	// Building my output code here

    Would this one be the optimized? (basically, it’s exactly the same, but with your 4 lines added at the beginning.

    $portfolioItemsForCache = get_field('gallery', false, false);
    foreach ($portfolioItemsForCache as $itemID) {
    	get_post_meta($itemID); // 1 query for each image
    } // at this point all meta data for all images should be stored in the cache
    $portfolioItems		= get_field('gallery'); // Getting the gallery field
    $hiddenMetadata		= get_field('metadata_to_hide');
    $imagesPerPage		= get_field('images_per_page');
    $hiddenCategories	= get_field('categories_to_hide');
    foreach ($portfolioItems as $item) {
    	// Getting current image informations
    	$id					= $item['ID'];
    	$filename			= $item['filename'];
    	$width				= $item['width'];
    	$height				= $item['height'];
    	$url				= $item['url'];
    	$alt				= htmlentities(urldecode($item['alt']), ENT_QUOTES);
    	// Getting current image custom attachement fields
    	$itemCustomFields	= get_post_meta($id);
    	$description		= $itemCustomFields['portfolio_description'][0];
    	$versionName		= $itemCustomFields['version_name'][0];
    	$reference			= $itemCustomFields['reference'][0];
    	$maxWidth			= (int)$itemCustomFields['max_available_width'][0];
    	$maxHeight			= (int)$itemCustomFields['max_available_height'][0];
    	$copyright			= $itemCustomFields['copyright'][0];
    	$rating				= $itemCustomFields['rating'][0];
    	// […]
    	// Building my output code here

    Edit: oh, BTW, the last loads 6x slower than the first, so I’ve obviously messed things up ^^