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  • The problem is that the loop that starts with

    while ($subloop->have_posts()) : $subloop->the_post();

    is the second nested post loop. When you call


    This is resetting the post data to the post in “The Loop” and not the post data of your first nested loop. This is a common error.

    When you have

    The Loop (main WP query loop)
        => Nested loop
            => Nested loop

    you must loop through the posts in the second nested loop as well as any more deeply nested loop in a way other than by using the standard WP while (have_posts()) method.

    For example, instead of your code

      while ($subloop->have_posts()) : $subloop->the_post();
      if (have_rows('mega_menu')):
        while (have_rows('mega_menu')) : the_row();
          echo the_sub_field('menu_overskrift');
          while (have_rows('mastersidelinks')) : the_row();
            $subnavitemID = get_sub_field('masterside_sub_links', false, false);
            echo get_the_title($subnavitemID);
      else :

    you need to use something like this

      if (count($subloop->posts)) {
        // do not use $posts as a variable
        // because it will overwrite $post in the parent loop
        foreach ($subloop->posts as $nested) {
          $post_id = $nested->ID;
          while(have_rows('mastersidelinks', $post_id)) {
            $subnavitemID = get_sub_field('masterside_sub_links', false, false);
            echo get_the_title($subnavitemID);
          } // end while have rows
        } // end foreach
      } // end if count posts