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  • The main difference is that using the tutorial provided by E

    1) you must supply the field key and name and create a new function for each field and supply the field name/key for each. My plugin finds the key automatically.
    2) It will only work if the same field group is used on different post types. In the plugin you just need to make sure the names of the fields are the same
    3) the code in the tutorial requires that you use the same field type, which should be implied by the fact that it’s the same field group. The plugin will let you mix post object and relationship fields.
    4) the code in the tutorial does not have any way to control overwrite settings should you run into a condition where the related posts has the max number of entries
    5) coding it yourself you could do more complicated fields where the plugin set some specific requirements for them, like not being in a repeater.

    Hope that helps