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  • I reorganized your code a bit so that I could better see what was going on, for me it makes it a little clearer. This is what I came up with. Hopefully you can see the changes I made to the logic.

      <!-- Check for parent repeater row -->
        if (have_rows('menu_sections')) {
            <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
                $row = 1; // number rows 
                // Step 1: Loop through rows, first displaying tab titles
                while( have_rows('menu_sections') ) {
                    <li role="presentation" class="list-unstyled<?php 
                        if($row == 1) {echo 'active';}?>">
                      <a href="#<?php 
                          echo $row; ?>" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php 
                          the_sub_field('section_title'); ?></a>
                } // end while have rows
            <div class="tab-content">
                $row = 1; // number rows
                // Step 2: Loop through rows, now displaying tab contents
                while (have_rows('menu_sections')) {
                    <div class="tab-pane <?php 
                        if($row == 1) {echo 'active';}?>" id="<?php echo $row; ?>">
                        while (have_rows('section_items')) {
                          // Display each item as a list
                              <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_name'); ?></li>
                              <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_description'); ?></li>
                              <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_price'); ?></li>
                        } // end while have rows section_items
                } // end wile have rows menu_sections  
        } // end if have rows