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  • I’ve already checked the source code, but I’ve not been able to find this.
    So for now I made the step to the given link above, but I can’t seem to get this to work with acf_form(). Is there something I need to add to the options?
    I pasted the following in functions.php:

    acf_add_local_field_group(array (
    			'key' => 'group_1',
    			'title' => 'My Group',
    			'fields' => array (
    				array (
    					'key' => 'field_1',
    					'label' => 'Sub Title',
    					'name' => 'sub_title',
    					'type' => 'text',
    					'prefix' => '',
    					'instructions' => '',
    					'required' => 0,
    					'conditional_logic' => 0,
    					'wrapper' => array (
    						'width' => '',
    						'class' => '',
    						'id' => '',
    					'default_value' => '',
    					'placeholder' => '',
    					'prepend' => '',
    					'append' => '',
    					'maxlength' => '',
    					'readonly' => 0,
    					'disabled' => 0,
    			'location' => array (
    				array (
    					array (
    						'param' => 'post_type',
    						'operator' => '==',
    						'value' => 'book',
    			'menu_order' => 0,
    			'position' => 'normal',
    			'style' => 'default',
    			'label_placement' => 'top',
    			'instruction_placement' => 'label',
    			'hide_on_screen' => '',

    book is a post type that I created.
    And this is what I use to create the form:

    $options = array(
        	/* (int|string) The post ID to load data from and save data to. Defaults to the current post ID.
        	Can also be set to 'new_post' to create a new post on submit */
        	'post_id' => 'new_post',
        	'form_attributes' => array( // attributes will be added to the form element
            'class' => ''
        	/* (array) An array of post data used to create a post. See wp_insert_post for available parameters.
        	The above 'post_id' setting must contain a value of 'new_post' */
        	'new_post' =>  array(
        						'post_type'		=> $_POST['type'],
        						'post_status'		=> $post_status
        	/* (boolean) Whether or not to show the post title text field. Defaults to false */
        	'post_title' => true,
        	/* (boolean) Whether or not to show the post content editor field. Defaults to false */
        	'post_content' => true,
        	/* (boolean) Whether or not to create a form element. Useful when a adding to an existing form. Defaults to true */
          	'form' => false

    Thanks for your help so far!
