

Home Forums Add-ons Flexible Content Field Check if a certain layout is used in flexible content field and loop over them Reply To: Check if a certain layout is used in flexible content field and loop over them

  • To do something like this you need to loop through the layouts first and gather the information and then loop over the gathered information to show the list

      $anchors = array();
      if (have_rows('flex')) {
        while (have_rows('flex')) {
          if (get_row_layout() == 'anchor') {
            $anchors[] = get_sub_field('anchor');
          } // end if anchor
        } // end whild have rows
      } // end if have rows
      if (count($anchors)) {
          <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
              <div class="col-md-12">
                  foreach ($anchors as $anchor) {
                      <a href="#<?php 
                          echo sanitize_title($anchor); ?>" class="btn btn--fancy"><?php 
                          echo $anchor; ?></a>
                  } // end foreach anchor
      } // end if anchors