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  • I don’t, I I were going to do this I would do something like

    add_action('init', 'filters_for_acf_term_meta');
    function filters_for_acf_term_meta() {
      $acf_version = acf_get_setting('version');
      if( version_compare($acf_version, '5.5.0, '>=') ) {
        // 5.5 uses term meta, don't need the filters
      // add filters and functions to deal with term meta
      // you can create more than one here and they
      // will only be loaded if ACF <5.5
      add_action('acf/save_post', 'convert_options_to_term_meta');
      function convert_options_to_term_meta($post_id) {
        // use examples from 
        // to build actions
      } // end function convert_options_to_term_meta
    } // end function filters_for_acf_term_meta

    The code was edited to correct error