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  • @tpeleg No, sorry, didn’t manage to find a solution. Below is the response I got to the support ticket I submitted… I replied (on 28th Oct) clarifying that I hadn’t even gotten to the point of saving to the database and haven’t had a response…

    James Stout replied
    Hi There,

    Thanks a lot for the mail,

    ACF uses the field’s name (see field settings) to save a value into the database. When saving sub fields, the ‘save name’ is generated by the ancestors names + the row index and can become quite long. It is possible that the length of this ‘save name’ can become too long for the wp_options table, and WP will not be able to save the value at all.

    Kindly try creating a duplicate filed for use inside the layout and let me know if the problem persists.

    Hope to hear from you soon.