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  • @hube2 thanks for helping:

    I have find a way to solve it:

    First I set the fields as globals with there default values in function.php.

    function acf_global_vars() {
        global $white_menu;
        $white_menu = get_field('top_nav_color', 'option'); 
    	if ($white_menu === NULL) { $white_menu = '1'; } // default value
    	// ------ //
    	global $image_white;
        $image_white = get_field('logo_white', 'option');
    	if ($image_white === NULL) { 
    		$image_white['url'] = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/small-business-logo-white.svg'; 
    		$image_white['alt'] = 'hallo'; 
    	} // default value
    	// ------ //
    	global $image_normal;
        $image_normal = get_field('logo_normal', 'option'); 
    	if ($image_normal === NULL) { 
    		$image_normal['url'] = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/small-business-logo.svg';
    		$image_normal['alt'] = 'hallo'; 
    	} // default value
    	// ------ //
    	global $logo_white_width;
        $logo_white_width = get_field('logo_white_width', 'option'); 
    	if ($logo_white_width === NULL) { $logo_white_width = '200'; } // default value
    	// ------ //
    	global $logo_normal_width;
        $logo_normal_width = get_field('logo_normal_width', 'option'); 
    	if ($logo_normal_width === NULL) { $logo_normal_width = '200'; } // default value
    	// ------ //
    	global $top_search;
        $top_search = get_field('top_search_show', 'option');
    	if ($top_search === NULL) { $top_search = '1'; } // default value
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'acf_global_vars' );

    Than I call the globals in the template header.php

    global $white_menu, $image_white, $image_normal, $logo_white_width, $logo_normal_width, $top_search;

    And start the IF

    <?php if( $white_menu ): ?>
    <img class="logo-white" src="<?php echo $image_white['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image_white['alt']; ?>" width="<?php echo $logo_white_width; ?>" />
    <?php endif; ?> 

    Is this the best method I can have?