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  • Hi @bart-gopnik

    The easiest way would be checking if the current key is a number or not like this:

    // Create function that will loop through the array
    function print_array_value($value){
        if( is_array($value) ){
            foreach( $value as $k => $the_value ){
                if( is_numeric($k) ){echo '<' . $k . '>' . PHP_EOL;}
                if( is_numeric($k) ){echo '</' . $k . '>' . PHP_EOL;}
        } else {
            echo $value . PHP_EOL;
    foreach($fields as $field){
        echo '<' . $field['name'] . '>' . PHP_EOL;
        // Check if this is a repeater or not
        echo '</' . $field['name'] . '>' . PHP_EOL;

    I hope this makes sense 🙂