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  • I personally like to use output buffers, the third option. I gave multiple options because there’s always multiple ways to do something in PHP depending on you preferred style of coding.

    Just outputting the numbers it would look something like this

    if (have_rows('progress_barRepeater')) {
      // start an output buffer to capture html output
      $total = 0; // hold total from rows
      $count = 0; // hold count of rows
            while(have_rows) {
              $value = get_sub_field('progress_subPercent');
              $total += $value;
                <li><?php echo $value</li>
            } // end while have rows
      // get the output buffer and store it
      $html = ob_get_clean();
      // calculate average
      $average = $total/$count;
      // display the average
      echo '<p>Average = ',$average,'</p>';
      // display the list
      echo $html;
    } // end if have rows