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  • First you have your ACF form in the template, actually, now that I completely understand what you’re trying to do, you don’t need your own function.

    See the “Create a new post” section of this page

    In you acf_form you supply the “post_id” of “new_post” and you set the “new_post” option to tell ACF to create a new post of the type you want.

    Now you can forget about the pre_save_post filter and creating a new post yourself for the front end form.

    Now, in your acf/save_post filter check for your post type. I don’t know what you’re post type is here. This function should deal with both the front end and admin saving of a post.

    acf_save_post_type_filter($post_id) {
      if (!is_numeric($post_id) || get_post_type($post_id) != 'your-post-type') {
      // do your .zip file upload stuff here