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  • Hi @infoamitywebsolutions-co-uk

    In this kind of situation, you can change the current language before the repeater code instead. Should be something like this:

    add_filter('acf/settings/current_language', function(){return 'en';});
    if( have_rows('enquire_link', 'option') ):
        while( have_rows('enquire_link', 'option') ): the_row();
            <a href="<?php the_sub_field('link'); ?>" class="enquire-button">
                <?php the_sub_field('text'); ?>
    add_filter('acf/settings/current_language', function(){return 'de';});

    But I think the best way would be copying the saved data from options_field_name to options_de_field_name.

    I hope this makes sense 🙂