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  • Hi James,

    Sorry for the super-delayed response; got a bit caught up with stuff 🙂

    I think maybe it might be useful to explain the scenario.

    What I would like to accomplish on a high level: Trigger JavaScript only when an acf_form() (front-end) is sent without error.

    A specific scenario:

    • I have an ACF form in a modal on the front-end
    • When a user submits the form and the form submission is successful, I would like to mark an ‘event’ in Google Analytics
    • Potentially, I would like to execute other JS functions upon form completion, but I’m assuming the method would be the same regardless

    Below is a boilerplate example of a script that I’d normally run using WP AJAX:

    	function do_stuff_after_acf_form_submit_success() {
    		var ajax_url = 'ajax_my_params.ajax_url';
    			type: 'POST',
    			url: ajax_url,
    			data: {
    				action: 'my_action',
    			beforeSend: function (){
    				// Stuff
    			success: function(data){
    				// This is the part that I want to access, i.e. if a front-end acf_form() sends with success, do stuff
    				ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'play', 'Fall Campaign'); // Example GA Event
    			error: function(){
    				// Error

    For marking events/conversions in analytics, older-school methods would entail sending a user to something like a thank you page, for example (using acf_form):

    $_POST['return'] = get_home_url() . 'thanks/';

    However, I want to trigger a GA event (or whatever JS function) via the ACF Form send success…ie via JS/AJAX.

    I hope this makes sense and I’d be happy to clarify further if needed.

