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  • I understand what you mean, but for the time being I don’t see another way then to add manage_options as a cap for the role(s) in question and expand these current_user_can statements.

    All statements have been checked, double checked, triple checked and disabled.
    Nothing worked.

    in functions.php: capability for adding acf_options_page
    in acf.php: doing nothing now (empty statement), but will be a check if a user needs to get an email or not
    in admin-columns.php: unset yoast stuff
    in page.php: check if an error image should be shown or not
    in profile.php: check to see if user can ‘view’ other profiles. This one needs to be extended, so users can’t view other users’ profile (like I can).

    So nothing I see which is related to ACF’s image/media upload.

    The link you gave looks interesting but have to look into it later if it’s something for me.