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  • Hi James,

    Thanks so much for your reply, all the Field Names were already prefixed, the labels aren’t but I assume this shouldn’t make a difference right?

    That’s the JSON file, as for a code example, I haven’t really started working on the actual template yet. get_fields() and get_field('field-name') is all I’m doing right now and I can see all the values, also the ones that don’t show up in the backend and image urls.

    P.s. As explained there are 2 radio buttons determining which clone fields appear, each radio button has 5 options. The “login form” option is the only one that shows the values in the backend. I tried messing around with the order of things (so that “login form” is no longer the first option), but it didn’t help.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, if you’re going to import my JSON settings, everything may not work as expected because I’m using some css to tweak the appearance. I’ve added the css rules below, obviously the .hidden class sets the display to none.

    .acf-clone-fields > .acf-field-repeater.hidden {
    	display: block !important;
    .acf-field-left {
    	float: left !important;
    .acf-field-right {
    	float: right !important;
    .acf-field-repeater.hidden > .acf-label > label {
    	display: none !important;