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  • That’s because with 1 row, when you save the post ACF created the row and adds the blank content. So have_rows() is true and it loops through the rows to show them, even though they are blank.

    You’ll need to loop though the fields to see if there’s actually anything in them before showing them

    if( get_field('product_watt_replacement') ) {
        while ( have_rows('product_watt_replacement') ) : the_row();
             $value = get_sub_field('watt_replacement');
             if ($value) {
        	     $array2[] = get_sub_field('watt_replacement')  .'w'; 
        if (count($array2[])) {
            $content .=  '<tr><td>' . 'Wattage Replacement</td><td>'; 
        	$watt = implode(', ', $array2);
            $content .=  $watt .'</td></tr>';