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  • Okay… if anyone else has this issue… I have it working. Here is the code for adding a relationship field to a bbPress topic, saving/updating the value, and spitting it out on the front end. This allows the user to choose a related piece of content (such as a blog post) to show along with their topic post.

    Note: I set the relationship field to just return the post ID. If you want to return the post object, you’d need to modify this.

    // Inserts the field group into the bbPress form
    add_action ( 'bbp_theme_after_topic_form_content', 'bbp_extra_fields');
    function bbp_extra_fields() {
    	$options = array(
    		'field_groups' => array(123456), // replace with your ID
    		'form' => false
    // This saves/updates the value when the topic is saved
    add_action ( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    add_action ( 'bbp_edit_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    function bbp_save_extra_fields($topic_id=0) {
    	if (isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST['acf']['field_123456789'])) {
    		$value = $_POST['acf']['field_123456789'];
    	   	update_field( 'field_123456789', $value, $topic_id );
    // This spits the related content out as a link on the front end, after the topic content
    add_action('bbp_theme_after_reply_content', 'bbp_show_extra_fields');
    function bbp_show_extra_fields() {
    	$topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id();
    	if ( function_exists('get_field') && get_field('related_field_name', $topic_id) ) { 
    		$related_posts = get_field('related_field_name', $topic_id); 
    	    foreach ($related_posts as $related_post) {
    			if (get_post_status( $related_post) == 'publish') {
    	        	echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $related_post) . '" class="btn">' . get_the_title( $related_post) . '</a>';