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  • Hi, everybody, i was experienced some slow issues too. But, i discover something or that´s what i think.

    – I´ve started creating a new theme, custom functions, new field groups, flexible content, etc. I didn´t have so many content, not so many fields too, in fact i get the slow issue just with a page using two flexible layouts. At some point everytime i´ve save a post/page, takes too much to save, something like 10-20 secs. But only if i change something, custom fields, content, title. If nothing changes and click save, it takes just a second.

    – I disabled all plugins. Nothing changed, even an empty page with just some “ops” text to save into content, takes about 20 seconds to finish the save action and refresh the page.

    – I disabled my custom theme and actived twentyfiftyn. Same thing… slow on save (but just if somethig changes on the content, title, etc) So, no ACF running, no other plugin running, twentyfiftyn installed only, and still slow ?¡?¡

    – This happened localy and on server, has no difference.

    At that point i realised that has nothing to do with my local settings, my custom theme, flexible or repeated fields, php version or anything else because i ended up re-instaling wp with a new empty ddbb, then i instaled and active ACF, and then my custom theme, filled some data width some flexible content and so on, and guess what? Now saves normaly, quick.

    So, what you think? It seems that something in the ddbb was causing the slow thing? May be yes, something created by ACF, fields not longer used, or data on the post meta table that was missed or something like that?

    Using ACFPRO 5.4.1 and WP 4.5.3.