

Home Forums Bug Reports ACF PRO 5.4.0 get_fields('options') BUG Reply To: ACF PRO 5.4.0 get_fields('options') BUG

  • Hi @nkals722

    Thanks for the bug report.

    This issue has now been fixed. Please re-download the plugin files and copy across the api/api-template.php file or make the following code change on line 267:

    	} else {
    		$rows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(
    			"SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE %s OR option_name LIKE %s",
    			$post_id . '_%' ,
    			'_' . $post_id . '_%' 
    		), ARRAY_A);
    		if( !empty($rows) ) {
    			foreach( $rows as $row ) {
    				// vars
    				$name = $row['option_name'];
    				$prefix = $post_id . '_';
    				$_prefix = '_' . $prefix;
    				// remove prefix from name
    				if( strpos($name, $prefix) === 0 ) {
    					$name = substr($name, strlen($prefix));
    				} elseif( strpos($name, $_prefix) === 0 ) {
    					$name = '_' . substr($name, strlen($_prefix));
    				$meta[ $name ][] = $row['option_value'];
