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  • @John Huebner

    Ok so I tried your script and it is not loading for me. Everything I upload is still going to default and when going to select file still pulling default and not teh custom field.

    My custom folder is /profiles/
    My ACF Field is dn_cv_link

    The function code is below.

    add_filter(‘acf/upload_prefilter/name=dn_cv_link’, ‘field_name_upload_prefilter’);
    function field_nameupload_prefilter($errors) {
    // in this filter we add a WP filter that alters the upload path
    add_filter(‘upload_dir’, ‘field_name_upload_dir’);
    return $errors;
    // second filter
    function field_name_upload_dir($uploads) {
    // here is where we later the path
    $uploads[‘path’] = $uploads[‘basedir’].’/profiles/’;
    $uploads[‘url’] = $uploads[‘baseurl’].’/profiles/’;
    $uploads[‘subdir’] = ”;
    return $uploads;