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  • Hi @jamescarter4

    As I said, it depends on how you set it. For example, if you have a post for a company, you can use the user field to set the user associated with that post. Then I believe you can get the company’s user ID like this:

    global $post;
    $company_id = get_field('company_user_field_name', $post->ID, false);

    If that doesn’t work, you can always add hidden input by using the html_after_fields option like this:

    'html_after_fields' => '<input type="hidden" name="companyid" value="'. get_the_ID() .'">',

    And then get the company ID like this:

    $company_id = get_field('company_user_field_name', $_POST['companyid'], false);

    Also, could you please try to set the $company_id manually to your account’s ID and check if the query shows the messages for you?

    Thanks 🙂