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  • Hey @acf-support ,

    thanks for the reply. The upload field is the following:

        "key": "field_5793b50551910",
        "label": "Vereinssatzung",
        "name": "vereinssatzung",
        "type": "file",
        "instructions": "blabla",
        "required": 1,
        "conditional_logic": 0,
        "wrapper": {
            "width": "",
            "class": "",
            "id": ""
        "return_format": "url",
        "library": "uploadedTo",
        "min_size": "",
        "max_size": 7,
        "mime_types": "jpg, jpeg, pdf"

    The front end form is injected like this:

    $options = array(
    	    'post_id' => 'user_'.$current_user->ID,
    	    'field_groups' => array('group_5793afe65ba18'),
    	    'return' => get_permalink( get_page_by_path( 'anmeldung-datenfreigabe' ) ), 
    	    'submit_value' => 'Weiter', 
    	    'honeypot' => true

    Again: I’m utilizing the basic uploader and save all the data to the user meta table. After I select a file with a disallowed file type and submit the form, the page is being redirected and no error is shown.