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  • Hi @brettzie

    I believe you can do it by using the get_terms() function to make it simpler. Maybe something like this:

    add_filter('acf/location/rule_types', 'acf_location_rules_types_product');
    function acf_location_rules_types_product( $choices ) {
        $choices['Post']['product_tax'] = 'Product Tax';
        return $choices;
    add_filter('acf/location/rule_values/product_tax', 'acf_location_rules_values_product');
    function acf_location_rules_values_product( $choices ) {
        $terms = get_terms( array(
            'taxonomy' => 'fr_product_categories',
            'hide_empty' => false,
        ) );
        if( $terms ) {
            foreach( $terms as $term ) {
                $choices[ $term->term_id ] = $term->name;
        return $choices;
    add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/product_tax', 'acf_location_rules_match_product_category', 10, 3);
    function acf_location_rules_match_product_category($match, $rule, $options){
        // validate
        if(!$options['post_id']){return false;}
        // vars
        $terms = get_terms( array(
            'taxonomy' => 'fr_product_categories',
            'hide_empty' => false,
        ) );
        if($rule['operator'] == "==")
            $match = in_array( $rule['value'], $options['post_taxonomy']);
        elseif($rule['operator'] == "!=")
            $match = !in_array( $rule['value'], $options['post_taxonomy']);
        return $match;

    I hope this helps 🙂