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  • @elliot

    Please could I back up a bit to understand this and what it means for me… ?

    1. So, previously, with ACF, I could add a Taxonomy field to an Edit User page? (I have successfully done this – both standard “Categories” taxonomy and multiple custom taxonomies).
    2. But, although ACF could successfully show the Taxonomy dropdowns/checkboxes, it could not save to them, so as as to link the User to the Taxonomy?
      Now, you have made a change to support this?


    • Does this mean I should still be using a separate plugin, ie. LH User Taxonomies, in conjunction with ACF?
    • Or can I now do this just with ACF, as long as I set up a Taxonomy ready for ACF?

    In my case, I want to categorise my Users using some custom taxonomies. I have already set up two custom taxonomies for this (“Industries” and “Companies”).

    So, if I now use ACF to add them as fields to my Edit User pages, will they successfully save as a result of your upgrade? Or do I still need to be employing LH Taxonomies?

    One caveat/FYI: I had previously registered my custom taxonomies using manual code in functions.php, but currently they are set up using WCK, Worpress Creation Kit.
    Now, is it relevant that WCK’s Taxonomy Creator includes an option to “Attach” my taxonomies to: “post”, “page” and “mycustomposttype” (in other words, it only shows options for Posts, not Users)?

    Will ACF be able to successfully connect with these taxonomies, I wonder? Will it override the WCK setting?