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  • Great James I have a light. I did it good with a checkbox with fixed values but my sub fields are getting the values from a custom post type
    How do I know the values saved for the sub fields in my repeater?, I notice that the key is increasing each time I save a sub field value for country
    ie (location_1_country, location_2_country, location_1_country…) And the value saved is something like: i:0;s:4:”5446″; where I check that 5446 is the ID of the country, also it creates another key: _location_1_country, in this case the value is field_576d3054bcc34 but have no idea where it comes from. So my problem is How do I get only the “5446” from the i:0;s:4:”5446″; and where do I look for the _location_1_country value?
    Pleae be patient Im not a programmer, but a wordpress enthusiastic!