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  • Hello James,

    sorry for this confusion.
    I try to explain with my bad english .

    I have website with lots of travels. Each post is one travel with several traveldates. The above code gives me a list of all dates sorted by the beginning of a travel like:

    3.2.16 – 24.2.16 Brasil Price bookable ect.
    4.2.16 – 16.2.16 Thailand price

    All dates / informations are repeater fields:
    t_block_beginn ; t_block_ende ; t_block_price ect.

    Now I have to create a 2nd “block” of repeater fields with the same informations and named like
    newdates_beginn ; newdates_ende ; newdates_price ect.

    This 2nd “newdates – block” of repeater field shloud also be integrated in my query / sorted list …

    Hope now its quite understandable 🙂