

Home Forums ACF PRO Initialise WYSIWYG fields on change of radio Reply To: Initialise WYSIWYG fields on change of radio

  • There is an old post by the developer that gives some basics on adding conditional logic here and there is additional information posted by another user here

    some other things to look out for. ACF5 uses field keys rather than field names so for example instead of using

    $('#acf-hero_image, #acf-hero_video, #acf-hero_slider').hide();

    you’d use something like this

    $('#acf-field_01234567890123, #field_01234567890123, #field_01234567890123').hide();

    Also, if you’re looking to show and hide entire field groups, which it appears that you are trying to do, I have built a plugin that creates location rules based on choice fields that can be found here Even if you don’t use the plugin you can see how to make this work by looking at my code.