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  • Hi James. Thank you for your efforts and time!
    I will try as much as possible right now to describe the problem.

    1. I need to get this taxonomy for the site of the tourist agency.
    That is a have some structure:

    – coutnry (with types of recreation )
    — citys (with hotel inside)
    — hotel

    Screen of what the result should turn out (example country – Austrya):
    This country have several kinds of recreation (spa, ski and other)
    I need to get selected taxonomy title – with the title and URL of the pages included in the taxonomy.

    {taxonomy title}
    – {page title + url}
    – {page title + url}
    – {page title + url}

    {taxonomy title}
    – {page title + url}
    – {page title + url}
    – {page title + url}

    2. Screenshot of the field group’s location rule

    3. Tried to run your code:

    4. Block in page

    5. Structure of taxonomy
    Structure makes for ease of operation when selecting taxonomies

    Thank you very much for your help!!!