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  • Ok…scratch that. I did get it to work as needed using the field key. Works great! Would recommend letting it use the field name like all the other ACF shortcodes and php snippets do just for continuity.

    Also… An admin interface for it would be great as well so people can specify things for like optionally sending an email. Things like email address it gets sent to, the subject, etc. Things like applying classes or IDs to each field so we can more easily make it match themes. Maybe….if it is possible…allow people to do a shortcode for each specific field so they can be placed and organized individually. Maybe something like…

    [acf_form] [acf_field="123"] [acf_field="456"] [acf_submit value="Save"] [/acf_form]

    Then, something you can do on the git page is start a running list of examples to help people out…then later on a landing page site for the plugin, etc.