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  • This is an old topic and you’ve probably moved on but for anyone that’s looking for the same type of thing.

    The first thing I ask is what will having a different field group for each category give that that having the same field group on all categories won’t.

    If you still want to do this, you would not create a new field group every time a new category is created, you would create some custom php code that would run and create a field group and fields for each category that exists.

    I’d start by exporting a field group that’s attached to a specific category first and use this for an example. Then I would add an function that runs on WP init

    add_action('init', 'add_category_field_groups');
    function add_category_field_groups() {
      // use get_terms to get a list of categories
      // loop through the categories and create a field group
      // I would set the group key to something like 
      // "group_termid000{$term->term_id}"
      // see

    Hope that helps someone