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  • Hi @misterr

    I’m sorry I didn’t realize that ‘default_page_template_title’ is a hook. Mostly, It’s because I never used it or had an issue about it. In the future, please explain it in more detail because vaguely explaining the issue won’t help both you and I. If you could add the docs page about that hook, that would be great too.

    Regarding your issue, I’m afraid ACF adds the default template name manually. You can see it in “wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/admin/field-group.php” line 805:

    'default' => __("Default Template",'acf'),

    If you want to fix it, you can change that line with this code:

    'default' => apply_filters( 'default_page_template_title', __( 'Default Template' ), 'quick-edit' ),

    Keep in mind that the changes in the core files will be disappeared on plugin updates.

    If you want it to be permanent, please open a new ticket here:

    I hope this helps.