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  • There isn’t a way around this directly. The reason this happens is that ACF stores the values as an array, like this

    $field['choices'] = array(
      2850 => 'Aarons Pass'
      2176 => 'Abbotsbury'.
      2046 => 'Abbotsford',
      2795 => 'Abercrombie',
      2795 => 'Abercrombie River',
      2325 => 'Aberdare',
      2359 => 'Aberdeen',
      2336 => 'Aberdeen',
      2350 => 'Aberfoyle',

    anywhere you have two array indexes of the same value some of them will be cancelled out.
    I’d suggest using values like ‘2759-1’, ‘2795-2’, or something else that will uniquely identify them and then deal with this in your PHP code.