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  • Hi woutervanerp,

    The acf/save_post action should help you here.

    This code should suffice for what you want, though I haven’t tested it:

    function my_acf_save_post_callback( $success ) {
        // Do what you'd like here
    function my_acf_save_post( $post_id ) {
        if ( !isset( $_POST['acf'] ) ){
        $fields = $_POST['acf'];
        add_action( 'acf/save_post', function( $post_id ) use ( $fields ) {
            remove_action( 'acf/save_post', $this );
            $db_fields = array();
            foreach( $fields as $field_key => $value ) {
                $db_fields[$field_key] = get_field( $field_key, $post_id );
            // Serialize the value arrays from $_POST and the Database, so that they are single-level arrays, and array_diff_assoc them to generate the array of differences...
            $success = empty( array_diff_assoc( array_map( 'serialize', $fields ), array_map( 'serialize', $db_fields ) ) );
            my_acf_save_post_callback( $success );
        }, 11 );
    add_action( 'acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 9 );


    Actually, that would work for a form save, but not for update_field or add_row, which works entirely server-side.

    Code Update:

    function my_acf_update_field_wrapper( $field_key, $value, $callback, $post_id = null ) {
        $new_values = array(
            $field_key => $value
        // We need to hook the default WordPress save_post action
        add_action( 'save_post', function( $post_id ) use ( $new_values ) {
            remove_action( 'save_post', $this );
            $db_fields = array();
            foreach( $new_values as $field_key => $value ) {
                $db_fields[$field_key] = get_field( $field_key, $post_id );
            // Serialize the value arrays from $new_values and the Database, so that they are single-level arrays, and array_diff_assoc them to generate the array of differences...
            $callback ( empty( array_diff_assoc( array_map( 'serialize', $fields ), array_map( 'serialize', $db_fields ) ) ) );
        } );
        if ( $post_id == null ) {
            update_field( $field_key, $value );
        } else {
            update_field( $field_key, $value, $post_id );
    function my_acf_save_post_callback( $success ) {
        // Do what you'd like here
    function my_func() {
        // We need to update a value here
        my_acf_update_field_wrapper( 'field_abcdef123456', 'new-value', 'my_acf_save_post_callback' );


    Help your fellow forum-goers and moderation team; if a response solves your problem, please mark it as the solution. Thank you!