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  • Thank you for the quick response. The option values appear on the footer of every page/post EXCEPT the archive.php template, which leads me to believe the problem is similar to this FAQ. I cannot figure out how to get this solution to work because I am dealing with option page fields + sub fields.

    I think the code is fine, please see below.

    <div class="section group">
                	<?php if( have_rows('footer_widgets', 'option') ): ?>
    				<?php while( have_rows('footer_widgets', 'option') ): the_row(); ?>                
                        <div class="col span_1_of_2">                        
                            <h2><?php the_sub_field('heading'); ?></h2>
                            <?php the_sub_field('description'); ?>
                            <a href="<?php the_sub_field('button_link'); ?>" class="footer-cta-btn"><?php the_sub_field('button_name'); ?></a> 
                   <?php endwhile; ?>
                   <?php endif; ?>