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  • Here is a filter that can be adjusted by field type and field name. You can adjust the HTML output as needed.

      // change the field type to the type
      // of field you want this run on
      // use priority of 1 for before field
      // use priority of 20 for before field  
      add_action('acf/render_field/type=url', 'field_name_render_url_image', 20, 1);
      // change the function name to something unique
      function field_name_render_url_image($field) {
         // change $field name to 
         // the field to add the image to 
        $field_name = 'the_field_name';
        if ($field['_name'] != $field_name) {
          // not our field
        // uncomment this if you want to see value of $field
        //echo '<pre>'; print_r($field); echo '</pre>';
        // get the post id
        global $post;
        $post_id = $post->ID;
        // get the current value of the field
        // using get_post_meta to avoid confilcts
        $url = get_post_meta($post_id, $field_name, true);
        if (!$url) {
          // nothing has been entered
          ?><p>Enter a URL and Update to View.</p><?php 
        // make sure the url is an image
        // alter regex to change allowed image extensions
        if (!preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i', $url)) {
          // not an image we want to allow
          ?><p>The Entered is Not A Valid Image URL. Enter a Valid Image URL and Update to View.</p><?php 
        // if we get here then show the image
          <img src="<?php echo $url; ?>" />
      } // end function field_name_render_url_image