

Home Forums Add-ons Options Page Option page's field order is different from setting. Reply To: Option page's field order is different from setting.

  • Hi @nori2tae,

    Could you please try this code?

        'page_title' 	=> 'Custom post options',
        'menu_title'	=> 'Options',
        'parent_slug'	=> 'edit.php?post_type=custom_post_slug',

    Please change the “custom_post_slug” with your custom post slug. Notice that we use acf_add_options_sub_page instead of acf_add_options_page.

    If there is no options page under the custom post type, please try to reproduce the issue on one of the WordPress’ stock themes with other plugins deactivated. If still no joy after that, please email [email protected] and provide the detail of the issue and temporary credentials so we can check it up for you.

    I hope this helps.