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  • Hi!

    I’ll explain what I want to create: a list of ingredients.

    I don’t know well the technicalities of the plugin but I would like to create something like this:

    Field name ingredient: field quantities (eg 100 gr, 50 ml , 1, 2, 3, etc. etc.)

    I would also like that the field name ingredient goes to read the ingredients url tag that I have in my db, with relative url, eg: Strawberries > url-of-mysite/strawberries.

    If there is no tag can I put the ingredient without url.

    An example:

    Pasta with beans

    beans/: 400 gr
    pasta/: 350 gr
    celery: 1 stalk
    garlic: 1 clove
    extra virgin olive oil: 3 tablespoons
    oregano: to taste
    salt and pepper: to taste

    Thank you very much for your help.