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  • Hey @all, thanks for the feedback, i really appreciate it.

    the idea to push the whole thing into the open-source world exists. but there some problems i’m facing with:

    • i’m using the awesome themosis framework to develop good and professional wordpress webpages. so, the plugin will probably work without it, but i can’t ensure it for now.
    • also there is no translation, because we (me eg. companies i’m working for) only needs it in german – until now 🙂 )
    • with each new version of ACF there is a lot of work to do because elliot is changing the backend-markup heavily. that’s ok, because normally no one needs it – but as the plugin is rearranging the markup also by javascript, we need to keep an eye on it.

    thats the status quo. right now, the extensions is a private repo on bitbucket. so what would you say? should we try it? maybe the plugin will grow much better in a community.

    : Yes, I’m using shortcake – the best thing by far to use shortcodes the right way. 🙂