

Home Forums Add-ons Repeater Field How to loop repeater rows so 3 in a div and then next 3 more in a div, etc Reply To: How to loop repeater rows so 3 in a div and then next 3 more in a div, etc

  • This is just your row loop with some additions. I also modified and id of a div so that you don’t repeat id values, you should probably use a class of “teachers” rather than an id.

    // check if the repeater field has rows of data
    if( have_rows('teachers') ):
      // loop through the rows of data
      // add a counter
      $count = 0;
      $group = 0;
      while ( have_rows('teachers') ) : the_row(); 
        // vars
        $teacher_bio = get_sub_field('teacher_bio');
        $teacher_name = get_sub_field('teacher_name');
        $teacher_image = get_sub_field('teacher_photo');
        if ($count % 3 == 0) {
            <div id="teachers-<?php echo $group; ?>" class="cf group-<?php echo $group; ?>">
        <div class="teacher">
          <img src="<?php the_sub_field('teacher_photo'); ?>" />
          <p><?php echo $teacher_name; ?></p>
          <?php echo $teacher_bio; ?>
        </div><!-- .teacher -->
          if ($count % 3 == 2) {
              </div><!-- #teachers -->
    else :
      // no rows found