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  • Sorry, I think the code copied over strangely. Here it is again:

    <?php if(get_row_layout() == “two_eq_columns”): ?>

    <div class=”two-eq-cols”>
    $TheID = get_sub_field(‘left_50-50_column’);
    $TheID = $TheID->ID;
    $page_data = get_page($TheID);

    “><?php the_sub_field(‘two_eq_columns’); ?><h2><?php echo $page_data->post_title; ?></h2>

    <?php echo $page_data->post_excerpt; ?>


    <div class=”two-eq-cols”>
    $TheID = get_sub_field(‘right_50-50_column’);
    $TheID = $TheID->ID;
    $page_data = get_page($TheID);

    “><?php the_sub_field(‘two_eq_columns’); ?><h2><?php echo $page_data->post_title; ?></h2>

    <?php echo $page_data->post_excerpt; ?></div>

    <div class=”clearit”></div>

    <?php endif; ?>