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  • In case it helps, this is the outputted HTML:

    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 2">
    			<p>Service 2</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 3">
    			<p>Service 3</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 4">
    			<p>Service 4</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 5">
    			<p>Service 5</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 6">
    			<p>Service 6</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 7">
    			<p>Service 7</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 8">
    			<p>Service 8</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 9">
    			<p>Service 9</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 10">
    			<p>Service 10</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 11">
    			<p>Service 11</p>
    	<li class="text-center header-service">
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="" class="border-radius" alt="Service 12">
    			<p>Service 12</p>