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  • Hi John,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I anticipate quite a few of these, so don’t think it would be feasible to create an archive page for each one…

    As you can probably tell, my knowledge of WP is pretty limited! But one thought I had was to see if upon entry, a custom field option could be essentially duplicated and mapped to a Tag?

    Am example setup of these would be…

    Custom Field = Country Select

    1. UK
    2. USA
    3. France

    …and so on.

    I’d want them to be able to click ‘France’ within a post and it retrieve all posts related to that field selection.

    If when added to an option within the custom field setup, UK, France, USA etc were added as Tags, this would solve it?

    Apologies if I’m missing the point/ limitations…

    Thanks again.