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  • I’ve tried to disabling all other plugins, but the error is the same.
    The uploader field works only if I’m login to WordPress. If I am a guest user, without wordpress login, the form only display the file name (see attachment to this comment) in an div with acf-error-message class.

    Can you post your working code?

    This is my code:

    							'post_id'		=> $_SESSION['id'],
    							'post_type'		=> 'couple',
    							'post_title'	=> false,
    							'fields'		=> array('couple_cover'),
    							'submit_value'		=> 'Aggiorna informazioni',
    							'form_attributes'	=> array('class'=>'form-horizontal', "role" => "form"),
    							'return'			=> $url.'/area-riservata/dashboard/',
    							'uploader' 			=> 'basic'
    <?php acf_enqueue_uploader(); ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	// setup fields
    	acf.do_action('append', $('#popup-id'));